Как настроить пароль для платежных карт

For security reasons, a unique password protects the Credit Card details entered by guests to guarantee reservations. You can access the credit card data provided by your customers only if you have this password.

When creating your account (only for accounts opened from August 2021 onwards) you should have received an email with a specific password for CCs, such as the following one:

You can use this password to view CCs. If instead you opened your account before August 2021, you did not receive this email, but you still had a password set up to view CCs. If you have lost it or can't remember it, you can reset it by following the link below:

☞ Docs: I lost my password to view credit cards


Take care to keep and don't lose this password: if you lose your password, you can set a new one, but this one will allow you to read only the CC of new reservations and not those previously received.
Since the password is an encryption key, the CCs of reservations entered before reconfiguration will be unreadable with the new password.

Please Note: WuBook does not act as an intermediary in payments, but only performs a service of storage and CC data display.
When a client enters a CC number, a "syntactic" check is performed on the conformity of the data provided: if the entered number is not correct, an error message appears. 
This does not mean that a CC number that passes the compliance check is associated with an account. Even if it is, there's no way to verify if the account has the necessary coverage.
One week after the reservation check-out date, CC data are automatically removed from the WuBook database and will no longer be available.