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Пользователи и группы: ограничение доступа к Вашему аккаунту WuBook

If several members of your staff work in your WuBook account, you can use this feature to set permissions for each of them. In particular, you can choose if your users can access or not the sections Administration, Finance and Security.

The security layer must first be configured from the following section:

↳ Useful Link: Security > Users and Groups

Once set to ON, you have to create a new Admin user.

However, if you are already using the "ZaK Team" tool in ZaK or the "User&Groups" tool in your Account, then the system will suggest automatically the Admin users already available. You will have to choose at least one of them, which will be the Admin in this section too.

☞ Docs: ZaK - Zak Team: limit your staff's accesses

☞ Docs: Users and Groups: limiting the access to your WuBook account

This setup menu ("Users and Groups") of course will only be visible to Admin users.

At this point, you can create new users and new groups to associate them with:

Again, when creating a new user you can choose whether to import one of those already existing in ZaK or to create a new one:

The icons next to the users specify where that user is present. For example, receptionist and Back Office are present both in ZaK and WuBook, while Janis is present only in WuBook. The yellow crown icon, on the other hand, shows that the user is Admin:

By clicking on each group, you will be able to enable the areas that users in that group are free to access. However, they will not be able to view those OFF areas. In the example, Arianna can access Administration and Finance, but not Security:

By clicking on each user, you can decide which group to assign and which property (if you have more than one property within your WuBook account). There is also a button to change the password or to delete that user:

If you are logged in with an user, i.e. Sara, it is not possible to delete Sara user! You will only be able to delete other users.

To log out of the current user or to log in with another user, you have to click on the name on the top right, in this case Sara:
