KAPI: zaK Application Programming Interface

This functionality concerns the connection of ZaK with "third party services" through our API (application programming interface). You may use Services to provide functions that ZaK does not provide. These services need data from our database in order to perform actions on Zak.

For example, a service that registers customers and sends them alerts must have access to customer data registered on your ZaK profile. A service that does accounting may want to read invoices. A service that does online check-in should be able to enter guests on ZaK.

↳ Useful Link:  Auth Factory > Zak (All-in-One) > Settings > Configurations

KAPI: zaK Application Programming Interface

APIs are functions that query and act on ZaK. This is a set of functions that can be used by your authorised suppliers. Your authorized supplier, using this technical documentation, can integrate our APIs into their software.

☞ Docs: Documentation for Zak API


Obviously, your service provider must be authorized to connect to your ZaK profile. You don't need to communicate the credentials of your WuBook account (username and password), just provide him your API-Key. The KAPI functionality is only needed to generate your API-Key, which will be associated to your ZaK property.

In order to use our API on your ZaK profile it is essential to have an API-Key. By revealing the API-Key to your supplier you authorize him to connect to your ZaK profile. You can associate to the generated API-Key, a name and an email address for tracing the connected supplier.

To stop the connection of a provider, simply generate a new API-key or deactivate the KAPI functionality.

IP List

To increase the level of security, you can associate a list of IP addresses to your API-key. In this way only connections from those IPs will be authorized.

Integration maintenance

If you have problems with the service that integrates our APIs, you can contact directly the service provider. The investigation of a possible problem should be carried out by your provider, who must first check the implementation of the integration on their software. Second, he can confront directly with WuBook on technical issues providing the necessary data and information to make the necessary checks.
