ZaK - Online Reception: Messaging

This section allows you to add all the social media contacts you want to show to your customers. You can find the main social media providers such as Whatsapp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, etc.

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Sales > Online Reception > Messaging

Let's see how to configure each contact!

1. Phone

Enter here your phone number (landline or mobile) without zeros, brackets or hyphens.
The area code is not mandatory, but we still recommend entering it, as in the following example:

If you then click on the number from a smartphone, you will immediately be able to make the call.

2. SMS

Enter here your phone number without zeros, brackets or hyphens.
The area code is not mandatory, but we still recommend entering it, as in the following example:

If you then click on the number from a smartphone, you will immediately be able to send a message.

3. WhatsaApp

Whatsapp is the only contact for which you can add more phone numbers, by clicking on the +. Again, enter your phone number without zeros, brackets or hyphens.

The area code is not mandatory, but we still recommend entering it, as in the following example:

If you then click on the contact from a smartphone, you will be redirected to Whatsapp to send a message.

4. Facebook Messenger

Enter here your Facebook profile ID, which can be either a page or a person. To find the ID, open the profile from the browser and check the url on the top, the ID is contained between the last two slashes. In the following example, the ID is

Then enter the ID in the ZaK field as in the following picture:

If you then click on the contact from a smartphone, you will immediately open Facebook Messenger to send a message to that person/page.

5. Viber

Enter here your public Viber name. Therefore, you must have a public Viber account. If you then click on the contact from a smartphone, you will immediately open Viber to send a message.

6. Telegram

Enter here your Telegram username. You can find it by clicking on 'Settings' and then at the top right on 'Edit'. You will see your Telegram data, including the Username preceded by the @ symbol as in the following example:

If you then click on the contact from a smartphone, you will immediately open Telegram to send a message.

7. WeChat

Enter here your WeChat ID. You can find it by clicking on "Me" in the bottom right-hand corner. The ID will then be shown at the top, below your username, as in the following example:

If you then click on the contact from a smartphone, you will immediately open WeChat to send a message.

8. Instagram

Enter here the name under which you are registered on Instagram. To find it, just click on your profile picture on the bottom right and you will find the name at the top.

If you then click on the contact from a smartphone, you will immediately open Instagram to send a message.

How will they be displayed?

In the Online Reception the guest will find the "Ask Us" button on the top right:

By clicking on it, he will see the form to contact you with all the contacts you set up:
