ZaK F.A.Q. - How to embed zCrm in your own website?

Thanks to zCrm you can have all your customer requests in one platform: those coming from Zak Online Reception; those coming from Zak Mini Site (if you use it); those entered by you manually..... and not only!

You can even integrate zCrm directly into your own website! Even if you don't use Zak Mini Site.
Customers will see the contact form on your site, but the request will be sent to Zak, within zCrm. This way you can monitor all your requests and manage them easily, replying via email or generating an estimate.

For zCrm integration, a simple intervention of your WebMaster in your site is required. He can proceed in two ways: via Javascript or Server 2 Server. You need to reach the following menu to display the instructions, then click on "Read More":

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > zCrm > Dashboard

Now click on the third option, on the blue link:

At this point you will see the instructions to show to your WebMaster, so that he can proceed on his own.
! ATTENTION: These instructions are custom for each property. So please check them in your account, do NOT copy them from this article.

Once your WebMaster has made the change, requests from your site will start arriving in Zak! You can manage them using all the tools offered by zCrm. Here is the full documentation on zCrm: