ZaK F.A.Q. - How to close the sale for OTAs only?

Let's see in this article the two possible options to close the sale only in OTAs, acting from Sytar or Tabla!

☞ Docs: ZaK - Sytar

☞ Docs: ZaK - Tabla


If you apply the parameter "No Ota" to a certain rate/room, this means that this rate/room will not be sold on the channels. However, sales on your site (if you use it) will continue as usual. It will only be interrupted in the OTAs.

In the following example, I have the "Standard" rate that I use for both sales on my site and on the channels. So I use the same rate for everything. However, for the month of December, I only want to leave my site available and close the channels.

So I apply the "No Ota" from Sytar to all products, in the "Standard" rate, from 1 to 31 December. To do this, I choose "NoOta: closed", as in the image:

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Products > Sytar

Alternatively, I can also act from the Tabla, setting the No Ota day by day and room by room.

In our example, I enter Tabla and select the "Standard" rate at the top. At the top right I make sure I have the "advanced" view, otherwise I won't see the No Ota parameter. Then for the rooms and days I want, I activate the "No Ota" button, which will turn blue.

So if it's blue it means it's enabled and I'm not selling that room/rate in the channels.

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Products > Tabla


If you have different rates for selling on the site and on the channels, then you don't need to use the "No Ota". You can just use closure, i.e. close the rate(s) you use in the OTAs and leave available the rate of your site.

In the following example, I have the "Standard Site" rate that I only use on my site and the "Standard OTA" rate that I only use in the channels. For the month of December I want to sell only on my site and not on the channels.

So from Sytar I work on the "Standard OTA" rate and set that from 1 to 31 December for all products it must be closed. In the field "Closure" I select "Set Closed":

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Products > Sytar

Alternatively, I can also act from Tabla, setting the Closure day by day and room by room.

In our example, I go to the Tabla and at the top select the "Standard OTA" rate. Then for the rooms and days I want, I click the "Close Room" button and the whole box will turn black.

So if the box is black (as in the MATR in the picture below) it means that that room/rate is not for sale.

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Products > Tabla