ZaK F.A.Q. - How to set a min reservation advance?

The min advance is the minimum period of time in which a guest can book a room before the check-in date.

Let's see below how to set it up for your site (ZaK Booking Engine) and for the three main OTAs (Booking, Expedia and Airbnb).


For your site (if you use the ZaK Booking Engine) and for, you must set the min advance from Sytar or Tabla, writing it in the specific field. You can express the min advance in hours (for example, by writing 2h), in days (2d), in months (2m) or in years (2y).

In the following example, from Sytar I am setting in the rate "Min Stay 7 offer", for all products and only for the month of December, a min advance of 1 day:


For Expedia it's not possible to set the min advance from the Channel Manager. You need to set it in the Portal, by working in your Expedia Extranet or by contacting their Support.


For Airbnb, the min advance can be set within the channel in ZaK, from the Online > Channels > Airbnb section.

Once inside the Airbnb channel, you can go to the "SETUP" section. Select one listing at a time and click on "LOAD SETUP":

At this point, in the "Availability Rules" section you will find the field "Required Advance", where you can set the min advance in hours and save. In the following example I set the advance to 1 day, so 24 hours:

For all other portals, it is generally necessary to set the advance directly in the portal itself. But if you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact our support team!

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