Zak - Airbnb© Channel

Before activating the channel, we recommend that you read the introductory article on connections, where preliminary operations and important warnings are explained:

☞ Docs: ZaK - Tips for Channel Manager activation

To know before proceeding

  • The restrictions that ZaK updates for Airbnb are: closure, no check-in/out, min/max stay arrival, ota limit, availability modifier
  • In detail, if you want to set the min stay, you must set it in both the "Min Stay" and "Min Stay Arrival" fields. The minimum value will be taken into account. The same applies to the max stay: the maximum value will be used.
  • Min and max advance can be managed from ZaK, by setting them in the Airbnb channel in the "Setup" section.
  • Cancellation policy: ZaK shows the policy sent by Airbnb
  • Board: ZaK detects it from the amenities of each Airbnb listing. For multi-room reservations, the first board that Zak detects will be shown in the reservation.
  • Airbnb does not send us guests email addresses (click here for the official Airbnb communication)
  • Airbnb does not send us the booker's nationality

1. Add the channel

First you need to add the channel by clicking on the +. Click on the link below and follow the instructions in the next steps:

↳ Link : ZaK > Sales > Channels > Add new channel

2. Channel's initialization

Now click on the Airbnb name to enter the channel configuration page and start the channel initialization.

Within the channel you will find the START THE ACTIVATION PROCEDURE button.

NOTE: Before clicking it, open another page and access your Airbnb profile, on the page of the property you want to connect. Then click the button in ZaK:

You will now be redirected to an Airbnb page where you must accept the sharing of information between Airbnb and WuBook. Accept the Terms of Service and then click on ALLOW:

Now you should be redirected back to ZaK, on the Airbnb channel setup page.

Once initialized the channel, the Airbnb account ID will be displayed on the top left, and all of your Airbnb listings will be listed in the "PRODUCTS" section.

3. Listings mapping

In the "PRODUCTS" section you'll find the listings you have already created on Airbnb. You must now associate to each Airbnb listing the specific ZaK product/rate.  The products in purple are the unmapped listings. As you associate them, they will turn blue, which means that they are on sale, managed by ZaK.

NOTE: Unmapped listings (purple) won't be automatically closed, they will just be NOT updated.

To associate a product, click on the white icon next to it:

Now choose the ZaK product and rate to be associated with that Airbnb listing. By clicking on the MAP button, ZaK will start to update that listing, sending to the channel prices, restrictions and availability you've set on your ZaK Tabla:

If you need to disconnect a listing or you mapped it wrong, just click on the icon with the red X:

4. Importing the reservation archive from AirBnb (only if you need it)

! This operation must be done ONLY if your Airbnb reservations are not on Zak yet !

To download the Airbnb reservation archive, go to the "IMPORT" section and choose the listings for which download them. Then click on "IMPORT ARCHIVE":

At this point, the download of your reservations from Airbnb will begin. It may take several minutes. You don't need to stay on the page, you can continue to work in ZaK and the download will continue.

5. Set the price for other occupations

If you want to sell your rooms for different occupations, you need to go to the SETUP section. Here select a listing (the procedure must be repeated for each listing) and click on "LOAD SETUP":

You can then define the default occupancy for that listing and then choose an extra for each extra guest:

NOTE: Since you can only choose a price for each extra guest, we recommend that you set the minimum occupancy with which you sell that listing as your default.

In addition, you can define further parameters here, such as the cleaning fee or the min/max advance.

Prices with or without commission?

Finally, remember that in the OPTIONS section you can choose whether in Zak you want to receive Airbnb reservations with or without the commissions charged by Airbnb:
