ZaK - Airbnb© Messagging

A new Channel Manager feature, added with the 04/16/2024 update, is the ability to view and respond to messages received from Airbnb directly on ZaK.
Through this new feature it is also possible to receive and respond to messages received from Airbnb support.
It is also possible to start a new conversation through this feature, you just need to use the reservation code from ZaK or Airbnb.

To be displayed, the feature must first be enabled. To begin, access the Airbnb channel for which you are interested in receiving messages, after which, navigate to the options tab and click on "Enable Messaging."

You will be taken to the Airbnb extranet to enable the feature.

Once activated, you will be able to access the function from the Channel Manager:

The window that will open contains on the left side all active conversations of the selected Airbnb channel (If the feature is enabled for multiple Airbnb channels, you can select on the top left side of which channel to view the conversations).

One can select a conversation and view its messages on the right, ranging from newest to oldest, from top to bottom.

In the text box above the conversations, you can filter them.

Filters organize conversations according to the following fields:

    • Name of the contact
    • Name or ID of Airbnb listing
    • Check-in/Check-out Date (DD/MM/YYYYY)
    • Date and time of the last message
    • Airbnb reservation code

    You can also choose to view only unread messages, via the inverted pyramid icon next to the filters:
