Kylix - Restaurant Module Report

From the menu below you can access the Kylix Report section, so you can keep an eye on the performance of your restaurant/bar!

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Kylix > Report


On the top you can set some filters for your search, specifically you can filter:
  • by period (you already find predefined periods or you can enter your own)
  • by restaurant area
  • by meal type (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
  • by waiter
  • by day or by month (so you can choose whether you want to display the data day by day or grouped by month)
The report is divided into 3 sub-sections: Revenue, Services and Food. Let's see them together one by one!

1. Revenue

Here you can check the revenue generated by all your services. In the top left-hand corner you can choose whether you want to see data about all services, or if you want the focus on eat-in or take-away:

If you choose to display all services, then you will find the following data in the table below, all already including VAT:

  • Eat-in: Revenue generated by services at the table. Excluding those charged to a reservation.
  • Eat-in (zak reservation): Revenue generated by eat-in services charged to a reservation.
  • Takeaway: Revenue generated by takeaway orders. Excluding those charged to a reservation.
  • Takeaway (zak reservation): Revenue generated by takeaway orders charged to a reservation.
  • Service fees: Revenue generated by the cost of service fees.
  • Total Revenue: Total revenue from all services mentioned above, including service fees.

If you instead set the focus on eat-ins or take-aways, the table below will display the revenue generated by breakfasts, lunches and dinners, both those consumed on the spot (eat-in) and those charged to a reservation (zak reservation). Again, all data are already inclusive of VAT.

In addition to the table, above you will find a graph showing the revenue of takeaways and eat-ins through different colours:

2. Services

In this sub-section you will find the quantity of Services consumed by your guests.
Again, in the top left-hand corner you can choose whether you want to display data about all services, or if you want the focus on eat-in or take-away:

If you choose to display all services, then you will find the following data in the table below:

  • Eat-in: Number of services consumed at the table by your customers.
- Charged to reservation: Among the eat-in services mentioned above, number of those charged to a hotel reservation.
- Booked Eat-in: Among the eat-in services mentioned above, number of those booked.
- Occupancy: Number of customers who sat at the table to eat something.
- Average Occupancy: Average number of customers who sat at the table.

  • Takeaway: Number of take-away services that were consumed.
- Charged to reservation: Among the take-away services mentioned above, number of those charged to a hotel reservation.

  • Total charged to reservation: Total number of services that were charged to a hotel reservation, both eat-in and take-away.
  • Breakfast: Total number of breakfasts, both eat-in and take-away.
  • Lunch: Total number of lunches, both eat-in and take-away.
  • Dinner: Total number of dinners, both eat-in and take-away.
  • Total Services: Total number of services consumed by customers, both eat-in and take-away.

If, on the other hand, you set the focus on eat-in or take-away, you will still see the same data in the table below, but only concerning eat-in or only take-away, depending on what you have selected.

Again, in addition to the table above you will find a graph showing the comparison between the quantity of eat-in services and the quantity of take-away services:

3. Food

The last section shows each food item on your menus and, for each one, the quantity consumed. On the top you can choose to display all the food categories or you can filter by a specific category, by fixed price menu or by custom food. You can also choose to sort the results by food name, revenue or consumed quantity.

Or, by clicking on the magnifying glass, a search band will appear in which you can type the name of the food you are interested in viewing:

Finally, at the top you find two pie charts. In the first one you find your dishes and the consumed quantity. In the second one you find your dishes and the revenue generated by each one:
