ZaK - Mini Site: Javascript Scripts

Thanks to this section you have the possibility to insert scripts in your Mini Site, choosing whether to insert them in all sections of the menu or only in some. In this way, for example, you can have an ever-present "Chat with us" icon on your site, or a box inviting the guest to subscribe to your News Letter

The section can be reached through the following link:

↳ Link utile: ZaK > Sales > Mini Site > Javascript Scripts

By clicking on ADD NEW SCRIPT on the top right, you can choose a name and which pages to assign it to:

You can now enter the code of the script you wish to add! Please note that you can contact a WebMaster to request the code or, alternatively, you can find several online sites providing script codes!

In the example below, I entered the following script:

thanks to which an icon appears on my Mini Site, inviting the guest to start a chat conversation:
