This statistics section is very important, as it allows you to keep an eye on the revenue generated by your reservations. To access it, click on the top right icon
and then "Stats". Now click on the "REVENUE" tab at the top:
↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Stats > Revenue
First of all, remember that you have all the filters (both on the left and at the top) described in the specific documentation:
☞ Docs: ZaK - Statistics and filters
At the top of the page there is a chart which always shows two indicators by default: ADR and RevPAR. However, from the "Data in chart" field you can choose which indicators you want to see:
In addition, as already mentioned in the filters article, in the "Group by" field you can choose how to display the data: by day, month, year or by hot dates (created on Planner and zView):
By clicking on the icon
you can choose to hide the graph, if you only want to check the table below.
For each day/month/year, the table shows the following indicators:
Total Revenue: Total revenue generated by the sale of rooms, extras and meals. It includes VAT and OTA commissions. City tax is excluded.
- Rooms Revenue: Revenue generated by the sale of rooms. It includes VAT and OTA commissions. Extras, meals and city tax are excluded.
Meals Revenue: Revenue generated by the meals inside the reservations, both those included in rates (i.e. half board) and the additional ones.
- Extras Revenue: Revenue generated by the extras inside the reservations
- Rooms Revenue Rate: Percentage ratio between revenue generated by rooms and total revenue.
- Available rooms: Number of rooms on sale at that moment, even those with reservations. Closed rooms are ecluded.
- Closed rooms: Number of physical rooms that were closed for sale at that moment.
Sold rooms: Number of physical rooms with a reservation for the selected period.
- Occupancy rate: Percentage ratio between sold and available physical rooms.
- RevPAR: Revenue generated for each available room.
ADR: Average daily rate of sold rooms.
- TrevPAR: Total revenue, so rooms+extras+meals, for each room that was available.
- TrevPOR: Total revenue, so rooms+extras+meals, for each room that was occupied by a reservation.
Reservations list
By hovering your mouse over the results in the table, you will also see which reservations generated that result. This works only if at the top you choose to group results by "day" or "hot dates". For example:
Then click on the result to expand the list of involved reservations. Just click on a reservation code to enter its details directly:
Or click on "See details in chart" (see picture above) and in the chart above you will see the revenue generated by those specific reservations: