ZaK - Communication: automatic and manual emails (OBSOLETE)

Once created all your templates in the section below, you can set the automatic sending by email or you can choose to send them manually from the reservation.

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Settings > Templates

☞ Docs: ZaK - Templates: your text models


The automatic sending can be configured at the following section:

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Settings > Communication

Here you find the settings for reservations coming from ZaK (entered manually), Booking Engine and OTAs. You can filter them through the 3 buttons on the top right:

On this page you find a series of "events" to which you can associate a template for automatic sending when the specific event occurs.

You can select just one language for each template, because this is the language that will be used when there is no template in the same language as the guest's nationality. i.e: if you created a template in Italian, English and French, then when the guest is of one of these nationalities the template will be sent in the specific language. If the guest is from a different country (e.g. Germany), the template will be sent in the default language chosen in this section. This is why it's recommended to set English as default language!

In the example image, we planned to automatically send an email when:

  • a reservation with the status confirmed is created, whatever its origin: the template "CHECK IN ONLINE" is sent with the default language English
  • a reservation is cancelled, whatever its origin: the template "Reservation Cancelled" is sent with default language English


As an alternative, if you prefer, you can manually send your custom templates from the reservation page, through the "Messaging" box. By clicking on it, you find the emails already sent (both manually and automatically).  Through the icon  you can send a new email:

You'll be able to choose the template to be sent and the language. The information generated automatically by the template and contained in the body of the email can be edited before sending:

Now, by clicking on the SEND button you'll have forwarded the template to the guest and you'll find a record of it in "Messaging".
